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Showing posts with the label Directory submission

What is directory submission? How does it help with rankings?

Understanding Directory Submission Directory submission is an SEO approach that involves listing your website in online directories. These directories categorize websites based on their content, allowing users to easily find what they're looking for. For example, if you run an educational site, you'd submit it to the "Education" category. Types of Directory Submissions Paid Listings : Some directories charge a fee to list your website. They may offer various packages, such as yearly or lifetime options. Your site is usually reviewed and listed quickly. Free Listings : These directories don’t charge for submissions, but there's no guarantee that your site will be accepted. Approval might take time. Reciprocal Listings : To be listed, you need to provide a link back to the directory’s site. This is a form of mutual promotion.  How Does Directory Submission Help in Ranking? Backlinks : When you submit your site to a directory, you often get a backlink to your webs